Mark, Australian Resident, at your service.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Feelin' Arty? I do ..sometimes.

I reckon that making things is a whole lotta fun. The satisfaction of seeing the finished product, complete and looking pretty much like the original idea or concept or sketch, giving it to someone like the one you love or just sticking it on a shelf, or putting it to use in the way you imagined it would be used.

I like making stuff and I thought I'd show you all a couple of things made by me. Is it art, is it practical or is it crap?

Sea Dragon Box - Wooden Box, with found objects, 2006.

McChrist - Wooden Box with found objects, 2008.

The Valentine Box - Welded Metal Frame with Wooden Panels Dried Roses and Written Poem, 2002.

The Proposal - Polished Stamped Metal, 2008.

So there you have it. Just a few arty things made by me. Soon I'll show you all some more, older and newer. It's 10.30 Saturday night and it's now time to spark up the PS3 and shoot some cowboys. Yippy Kiay Motherfuckers....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The iPod classic and Harry Potter audio books

Anyone out there own an iPod ???
I do and I could not possibly continue life without one.... 160 gig of memory (this is my second iPod, the ol' 120 gig died after using a cheap and unofficial charge cord) every album I own and ever wanted to own plus multiple audio books in my pocket ready to listen too when ever I want. Where was this technology when I was 17??? Presently I am listening my way through all the JK Rowling Harry Potter books. Just started the fifth book, Order Of The Phoenix as read by the master of audio books Stephen Fry. Can you believe this is my fourth excursion throught this series of books. I know ...... Nerd, but fuck it I do not care, these are GREAT stories and I am now preparing myself for the release of the latest movie in this franchise, The Deathly Hollows pt 1.
Soon, very soon.

Red Dead continued

OMG... it's been nearly a month of ignoring the PS3 and last night I sparked it up, loaded Red Dead and found out that the new down loadable content was ready to install. Liars and Cheats installed and I was off. New weapon, the Explosive Rifle which turns your opponent into a cloud of bloody mist, excellent, and new areas to explore. Oh, if there were only more hours in the day to enjoy leisure time and shoot the crap out of other gaming nerds. The Zombie download will be available in just a couple more weeks and then the undead onslaught will prevail.. Zombies, how good are they? they're the best. Killing them in a computer game will be a shit load of fun and I am totaly looking foward to it.

Ahhhh, g'day

Another Thursday, another excellent hit of sushi and sashimi down at the Northland food zoo, and now, here I am at home consuming that wonderful Irish spirit..... Jameson. Work today was one of those excellent days where everything goes smoothly, every job had super easy access and every customer is happy, and to top it all off I ended up knocking off right on time. My favorite kind of day at work, yay.

The Phillip Island Moto GP is soon to kick off, which means lots of overtime for me. Multi truck loads of furniture is heading on down to P I, which is a 2 hour and 15 minute trip from the Tottenham warehouse.

It's almost like a holiday driving on down there and setting up bits and pieces in lots of little portable buildings. Miles away from the bosses and the city kerfuffle.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A New Prime Minister, and She's a She.!!!!!!!!!

Thank fuck Mr Tony Abbott did not get in as Australia's new PM. Let us all prey that Julia does a good job. Go Julia, we are behind you all the way. 2 out of 3 Independent polititions decided she was the one to go for. Phewf!! So let's hope she sparks up that broadband plan she promised so that we can get into downloading to the fuckery.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dark Ale, home made nectre of the Gods

Just letting you all know that I'm pretty sure the Coopers Dark Ale Home Brew is the BEST ever, absolutely the tastiest beer I have ever made (batch #8). It has a very full bodied taste with a hint of meaty goodness and lets not forget that creamy head. One long neck is almost a meal in itself. A truly hearty beer and one sure to be repeated again and again.. I'm one stokin' bean.

Zombies and Milla, bring it on.....yeah!

Uber-Babe Milla Jovovich is set to hit our movie screens as the Zombie killing heroine Alice, in just a few more days in the next instalment of the most excellent Zombie Franchise ever, Resident Evil, in Resident Evil Afterlife 3D.
Zombies and Mila, ooooh my favorite, and just to spice it up a little 3D has been added, and not just cash in on the craze 3D, real no expense spared, state of the art 3D.
Even more icing on the cake is the addition of Ali Larter, who was in the last Resident Evil movie, Resident Evil Extinction continuing her role as Claire Redfield. . Ali, also known for her role as Niki Sanders in the TV series Heroes, is sure to be one hot zombie killing babe teamed up with Milla.

Check out the trailer... it's right over there ------------------>>>

Two weeks in and still no PM...

So my fellow Australians, our future lies in the decision of three Independents, well maybe just two. It appears that Independent Tony Windsor has made up his mind. It looks like he is a man after my own heart and is keen to get Labours $43 billion optical fibre National Broadband network plan the go ahead. This plan has won him over. Now if Rob Oakeshott and Bob Katter, the last two Rural Independents that have to decide, Labour or Coalition, can choose Labour for whatever reason suits them, all of us can be spared the national fuck up that Mr. Abbott will bestow upon us all.

As Tony Windsor says, Labours Broadband Plan is "The Railway of the 21st century" " Do it once and do it right" The Coalitions $6.3 billion Broadband Plan to be implemented over the next seven years, if they get in (fingers crossed they don't) is a retrograde policy offering band aid technology to all of us. This policy will leave us in the dark ages compared to the rest of the world. I hold my breath and hope for the right decision.