Mark, Australian Resident, at your service.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Facebook, whoda thunk.

Over the past few years I've been pretty negative about the whole facebook thing. Is it a competition about haw many friends you have? Is it a place to stalk old aquaintances, find out all about them? Is it where you dis people you don't like?
Yeah, maybe you can do all that, but as I have discovered it's a whole heap more....

I finally gave in because so many of the things that interest me, favorite things like PS3 games, bands, places, cafes and resturants, activities and of course friends are all using facebook. And now since I joined about a month ago, I'm hooked.

I get all the news, updates and trailers for my favorite games like Assassin's Creed Revelation, Battlefield 3, Alice: The Maddness Returns. I can then share all that info with friends. We can all get excited together.

Friday, May 6, 2011

More exams and other work related pooh bah.

Yes it's back into the whole swing of all things work. A week of residential (resi) ins and outs, inner city high rise apartments, What a view.

More of the same.

Outer suburb multi million dollar houses.
Oooh, nice lounge room.
And what a delightful dining area.
The family room, doncha just wanna hang out here. But be careful.
Let's have breakfast here in the family area eating nook.

and more bloody exams for wanna be Certified Public Accountants (CPA). For some reason the hierachy like to hold these exams at Etihad Stadium, so we lugg hundreds of folding tables to many many rooms throughout Etihad Stadium then lugg them all out before the weekend football matches then lugg them all back again.

Check out the grow lights that Etihad Stadium uses to keep their grass lush and green. The roof is closed and the lights are on. All you wanna be Hydro Pot growers drool over this lighting system. You could probably have two plants under every light. In fact the Etihad folk drag their plants out once all us workers have left the building, no I'm only kidding.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Holidays are Over, & it's back into the real world...

Wednesday 27th April, and I am rudely awoken by a digital alarm clock at 5am. Aaaarghh, it's back into work mode, no more sleeping in 'til whenever. Some said that 3 and 1/2 weeks at home would become boring, that I'd end up going stir crazy. Not on my watch. Loved every minute of it and could have very easily soaked up more time away from work. But alas it is just too hard to survive without those overtime hours added onto the standard work hours, giving a hard working lad like myself just a little extra cash in the pocket.
It was a lovely 3 days back at work, nice and easy, very casual. Next week, watch out, because exam time for wanna be accountants is back amongst us. Hundreds of folding tables to be delivered, removed and delivered again to Etihad Stadium. I'll keep you all posted. This Sunday it's back into earning double time, because it's Logie time and we have couches, couches and more couches. It'll be a shit fight at Crown Casino cause we have furniture to deliver, the lighting and sound guys will be there as well as the TV crews and the florists, and we are all told to be there at 1pm to make delivery. Fun and games just like always.

And the Playstation Network is still down, I'm sure you have all heard the sensationalised TV reports. Check out the PS3 official blog page to see how some of those 77 million gamers are coping.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Playstation Network is DOWN!!

OMG, PS3 Gamers everywhere are freaking out. It's the Easter long weekend and it looks like the world of PS3 online Gaming will have to get up off their collective butts and find something else to do because the Playstation Network is down, failed, kaput or just plain fucked, and the word is it will be like this for at least 2 days. The PSN official Blog has been inundated with online Gamers complaining. "Not Happy Jan". Hey, I got an idea, lets all go outside and play.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A thought poem.....

The lives we are
The lives we where
The lives we are yet to be

The things we do
The things we've done
It's our ingrained destiny

The place we're at
The places we've been
Our future's a mystery

Que' Sera' Sera
As Doris does say
Whatever will be will be

Me, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hey Look, I'm back..

Here we are, it's April. Life has been going on, like it always does. Work has been the same ol' same ol'. The Aust Open and all that tennis malarkey is way behind us and almost forgotten. The Melbourne Grand Pricks, oops sorry about that, Grand Prix has been and gone. The fun we had there with all those high end clients, Mercedes/McLaren, Ferrari, Red Bull, Vodaphone and the rest. I'll not go into details but needles to say they sure do know how to waste money, God bless 'em.

And now I'm enjoying a 26 day stint away from the hire furniture game with some well earned annual leave. Just hanging out at home, a bit of time in the shed working on some way layed projects, spending a bit of time getting next seasons vegie patch sorted, cleaning up around the house, cruising some of the hundreds of op shops scattered through out Melbourne with my Lovely and getting some one else to make me breakfast in places like,

Puckle St Moonee Ponds

Brunswick St Fitzroy

Bridge Rd Richmond.

It's all about the pleasure of leisure.

And lets not forget the joy of killing people in the world of online gaming with Sony's Play Station 3. "War is Hell" and Mirsch (that's my online PS3 ID) is giving as good as he gets.

Battlefield Bad Company 1

and 2

have been blitzed, and thanks to 1080 hi-def, I can almost smell the
dank of tropical jungle warfare,
freeze my bits off in the snow covered mountains of some made up eastern block country and smell the gun powder after unloading hundreds of rounds into those apposing me.

Driving all kinds of vehicles,
Hummers, Blackhawks, Abrams Tanks. It may seem like I spend a lot of time on the PS3, but there are some people who seem to have no other life. There is this thing on online gaming called a Leader board and you are able to check out where you stand globally. On Bad Co 2, I don't even rank, ranking stops at the 25,000th mark. I've only played an online total of about 22 hours. The number 1 player in time spent joystickin' (on Bad Co 2 alone) has played for a massive 3,350h 18m, thats nearly 140 days. But in all honesty the game has been out for just on a year and I only bought the game cause it's on sale, 2 weeks ago. I've still been a cowboy from time to time in Good Ol' Red Dead Redemption but it's all about playing what your mates are playing and w_a_y_n_e_c_k and jonroch (both online ID's) are into Bad Co 2 at the moment so thats me too.

On Line ID's, now there's a whole new topic. I chose Mirsch cause I have a pair of stereo speakers which are made by the Swedish company
Mirsch, they are sleek and sexy and sound great. Many years ago a drunken fool at a party our house threw, turned my amp all the way up and blew the bass drivers in both my speakers. I was only able to track down Alison drivers to replace the blown Mirsch drivers so I ended up with Mirsch Alison speakers. A mate (TK)called me Mirsch Alison, I was impressed and ever since, whenever I didn't want to be me , I became Mirsch Alison and when prompted to enter an online ID, without hesitation I chose Mirsch.

Some online ID's met are GO_THE_RAT_, bigdik (yeah sure), T_BONE_A1 and lambchop, no kidding I was playing a round on Red Dead and came across both these people and thanks to my head set I kept on making jokes about the BBQ we were having, Fubus-Maximus, MrSmooth2405, B-A-S-T-A-R-D, dUrKa-omaha, John_J_Rambo81, SLAYER_Of_PIGS (should have invited him to the BBQ), FUK_U_PAY_ME09, MICKEY_MOOSE7, I could go on and on. Now all the above names are kinda fun and when playing with the head set on I talk, laugh and moan a lot calling out these names or versions of them and playing on there hidden meaning, my aim is to humiliate, aggravate, congratulate and more than anything else have a laugh. Playing under the influence of fine Irish Whiskey helps alot. Fun, fun and more fun.

10 days into the 26, I'm bound to be back soon. Oh the things I've seen in the Food Zoos, the joy of digital television (joy?), the changes to my regular thursday night outings and much more soon to be mentioned. Stay cool, mmm I guess that is unavoidable winter does cometh.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Why are Melbourne Taxi Drivers so fucking annoying and incompetant??

Whatever it is, it's here and it's here to stay. I better get over it, eh!

Slack or what????

Well I guess it has been a while since I last posted. Sorry ya'all. Slackness has prevailed. No, really it has, I have enjoyed the releif and relax of finishing all to do with the Australian Open. A couple of working weeks of nice easy days, with pick-ups and deliveries of units less than ten. Nights of TV, downloads and Play Station 3 with nary a care, and of course the company of my most lovely Lovely. Life has been good.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Australian Open is finished for 2011, yay....

Today the fun began for the Good Ol' Valiant Crew. Melbourne provided a beautiful sunny day, top of 39c, for the start of the big bump out. A wonderful day to be lugging desks, tables, bookcases, credenzas, lounges, ottomans, all kinds of other weird furniture and chairs. More chairs that you can poke a stick at and believe me I would love to beat the shit out of all of them chairs with a big stick. Another fun part of today was hanging in the back of the many trucks packing all that wonderful furniture. Luckily I work with Alan, Al Packer master of the tie, the pad and the furniture. Tetris in that mans blood.

I lucked it today and started at 6am, there were some who started at 3.30am. And the reult was 15 full trucks returned home locked and loaded. Eleven of us and we got to knck off at 3.30pm. Nice day, now I'm eagerly looking foward to the rest of the week for more of the same.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Action Comics #1 Superman

The Rot-Crotch Conspiracy and other Disasters

The Rot-Crotch Conspiracy and other Disasters, Yeah, it's been a while since last I blogged. Since the New Year Thingy a while back, all I've been doing is hanging out at the Tennis lugging furniture. There has been some super steamy weather and you haven't been able to blink without sweating. Low clouds, rain every now and then and heat. It's been like some sort of joke, a conspiracy, a plan to knock out the work force with the horror known as Rot-Crotch. Nuff said.

"Help.... the Rot Crotch, I'm melting, Aargh, my legs I can't breathe..."

Well at least we have finished with the Tennis until the whole tournment is over on the 30th. Then the real madness begins as Olympic Parks Melbourne, demand that Tennis Australia hand over Rod Laver and Hisence Arena within 3 days of the tournemnt finishing. That's hundreds of contractors trying to dismantle, load and get out. We have something like 600 typist chairs alone to pick up. I'm not sure of the actual item count , I'm trying to find out. There are famous people at the Tennis

Other disasters, a bit of rain up North, Hang in there folks. Jason, Thinkin' of you.