Mark, Australian Resident, at your service.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Greenhorn no longer...

Mirsch here, I've said it before and I'll probably say it again, Red Dead Redemption, a Western or Cowboy game for the PS3 console, is the best game ever. Multiplayer is the way to go. I started with nothing, that is no points or XP as the folks at Rockstar call it, and riding a Donkey with only a Cattleman's Revolver and a Knife. I was called a Greenhorn and was obliterated by more experienced players when ever I came across them, shot to shit. Now I've XP'd up to level 37, 50 is as high as you can get, I've now got High Powered and Mauser Pistols, Pump Action and Sawn Off Shotguns, even a Carcano Sniper Rifle as well as Dynamite and Fire Bottles. My horse is an Hungarian Half Breed and I'm killing and helping who ever I choose. I can pick one of about 100 different titles from Greenhorn through to Bandito, Outlaw, Gun Shark Mercenary, Gristle Heel, Mobile Bird Watcher and many more wigged out names. Currently I'm a Golden Herbalist. Having lots of fun linking up with work mates and strangers to form Posses' and complete Co-Op missions. Rockstar are about to launch Add-On packs that can be downloaded and installed into the console, things like Zombie action in the Undead Nightmare Pack, Liars and Cheats Pack. This pack lets you play Texas Hold 'Em, Liars Dice and other competitive games.Heaps of different characters to choose from. Law Officers, Rustlers, Gang members, Miners and Women. I'm currently Jay Sheeyah a cool looking Indian who is part of Dutches Outlaw Gang. Sorta look like Billy Jack from that 1971 movie of the same name.

What the hey????
It's nearly 6.00pm on Thursday night, that can mean only one thing, time to head to Northland for that Prince of Foods Sushi/Sashimi. Catch ya later.

Command Central.

I say, If you are spending lots of time on the computer (Command Central) you gotta feel comfortable and at home, make it an extension of yourself. Here's a glimpse at one of my favorite hang zones, my Command Central, just to give you a better look after that small peek in my last post.

Home Brew...ahhhhh refreshing.

Just popped the top off the first bottle of my latest batch of Home Brew. I'm now the proud owner of 62, no that's 61 (I just drank the first bottle), stubbies of Coopers Pale Ale. Soon to be 60, cause I'm just about to pop the top off my second. This time I actually have another batch brewing right now as I type. A batch of Coopers Dark Ale which will be ready to bottle this coming Sunday of Monday. So I should have well over 100 bottles of beer. Mmmmm, I could start singing a song about bottles of beer lined up on a wall, or is that meant to be green bottles? and I'm just not sure about letting them fall. So, can that idea I'll just keep them in crates, safe and sound in my shed and in the beer fridge until their time comes to be consumed.

59 bottles left, and I have come to the conclusion that this batch is a very fine batch indeed. Alcohol content about a 5.2% and tasty, very tasty. Hope the Dark Ale is just as successful. Stay Tuned for the details in about four weeks. That's one week of fermenting in the fermenting barrel and about three weeks of continued fermenting once bottled.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Coke is Evil... drink more Pepsi.

Oils aint oils, Sol.

Nice of BP to finally get their shit together over there in the Gulf of Mexico and plug that leak.

More Sushi... What? again or still.......

The weeks just fly by. Time to head to Northland and stock up on sushi and sushimi.

Eat what you love and eat lots of it.

Shit Yeah!! I do, And I love it.

I love the fact that when I walk up to the counter of my favorite sushi outlet, they (the staff) pull out the Bento Box grab two extra Wasabi satchels and greet me with a big smile before I even say a word. You just gotta love that. Nothin' like being a regular and getting treated like royalty or an A1 movie star, and then still being down to earth enough to be friendly, gratefull and sincere with my thanks and to feel good and look foward to doing it all over again next week. Yabble Dabble

De Niro....????

I guess you all might have heard that Robert De Niro is in town (Melbourne) filming his latest Movie, Killer Elite. Yeah, he is a great actor and all, but what a fuss budget. A hire company delivered a bunch of couches to his apartment, the place he is living at whilste he is resideing in Melbourne, and he was not impressed. Take them back I don't like them. So a certain hire companys' showroom had His people in yesterday picking different couches. Lets hope he is happy with the next selection. Wanker.....I mean....a couch is a couch, you get home after a hard days squawk and all ya wanna do is chill out, relax, watch a bit of telly. Who gives a toss what kind of couch you are going to park ya bum on. And really, how much time is He (De Niro) going to spend in his apartment. I reckon Fuck All. Film shoots are meant to be full on, 12 to 16 hour days. Busy busy busy. Me, all I'd want to do after a long day, is shower, eat then kip. Maybe it's different for Prima Donna Movie Stars....

I am a world class actor and you must abide by My decissions.

Actually, he's probably a pretty nice guy.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's Thursday Night, It's Sushi Night

Headin' on down to Northland,
Headin' on down to Northland,
Just got paid and I'm itchin' to taste,
That good 'ol raw fish, sushi.

Bento box please, shopkeep. After the sushi and sashimi I might have a wonder, have a coffee.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

PS3, again..

Been Red Deadin' it a whole lot over the past weeks. XP'd up to level 25, nearly to level 26 in Online Multiplayer. That might not mean much to those who don't indulge, but I'm one stokin' bean. One thing I love about Multiplayer is that there are some people out there who take it way to seriously and I just love fuckin with them. You have the ability to aquire a sniper rifle and you can then sneak up to a hill-top and from a distance shoot someone in the head, they then respawn not far from where they died and you can be ready and waiting, then shoot them again. They'll try to chase you and seek some sort of revenge ie. shoot the fuck out if you. There is also the ability to speak to one another via bluetooth head sets, and if you just keep laughing at them while you shoot them again and again and again it can piss some people all the way to hell and back. then you end up with messages sent to you like "FUCK YOU" "U R NOOB", well that's what I got, what the hell is U R Noob meant to be. Yeah man that really cuts. Ahh the youth of today, insecure and illiterate

Yeah it's been a RED DEAD onslaught over the past month, so last weekend I gave the Red Dead a rest and ventured in 15th century Italy in Assassin's Creed II, I'm Desmond Miles sent back through time via the Animus, a machine linking me through advanced DNA technology in the memory of Ezio Auditore an Assassin who wonders through Florence, Tuscanny, Venice and Rome visiting Historical Buildings in these cities and killing/assassinating corrupt Officials, Militia, Leaders and Heads of Church, also seeking revenge on those who betrayed is family. And underlying all this there is a great mystery being unravelled as secret codes hidden in glyphs and puzzle that need solving and revealing who knows what, I haven't reached the end yet. Excellent graphics, great story and superb game play. Addictive as hell, and my favorite game this week.

Payweek, Yay and a non-rent week to boot, Double Yay

Just about pay day and how much do you love it, pretty much.. Getting paid fortnightly is okay, you get use to it. Two pays a month and about two months a year there are three pays a month, those are my favorite months. Unfortunately July is not one of those months. Come on September. All this wishing and waiting for months to rock up is like wishing your life away. Waiting for pay day, waiting for birthdays, waiting for christmas, waiting for holidays. Life is just one big wishlist. And if you collect stuff, toys, comics, tools, books, whatever you'll always have a wishlist for more stuff to fill that collection. I know, I have (well had) a huge comic collection, I still have some and I had a massive wish list. It all became too much and gradually over the last 15 years that collection has dwindled, thanks to ebay and a short stint as a Comic Shop Guy. Stuff is cool, here I am in the Autumn of my life so to speak and I still have toys, comics and stuff that I just don't wanna part with cause I think they are cool. Love my Robots They are just too cool. Mmmm Maybe I carry on a little too much