And now I'm enjoying a 26 day stint away from the hire furniture game with some well earned annual leave. Just hanging out at home, a bit of time in the shed working on some way layed projects, spending a bit of time getting next seasons vegie patch sorted, cleaning up around the house, cruising some of the hundreds of op shops scattered through out Melbourne with my Lovely and getting some one else to make me breakfast in places like,

Puckle St Moonee Ponds

Brunswick St Fitzroy

Bridge Rd Richmond.
It's all about the pleasure of leisure.
And lets not forget the joy of killing people in the world of online gaming with Sony's Play Station 3. "War is Hell" and Mirsch (that's my online PS3 ID) is giving as good as he gets.
Battlefield Bad Company 1

and 2

have been blitzed, and thanks to 1080 hi-def, I can almost smell the

dank of tropical jungle warfare,

freeze my bits off in the snow covered mountains of some made up eastern block country and smell the gun powder after unloading hundreds of rounds into those apposing me.
Driving all kinds of vehicles,

On Line ID's, now there's a whole new topic. I chose Mirsch cause I have a pair of stereo speakers which are made by the Swedish company

Mirsch, they are sleek and sexy and sound great. Many years ago a drunken fool at a party our house threw, turned my amp all the way up and blew the bass drivers in both my speakers. I was only able to track down Alison drivers to replace the blown Mirsch drivers so I ended up with Mirsch Alison speakers. A mate (TK)called me Mirsch Alison, I was impressed and ever since, whenever I didn't want to be me , I became Mirsch Alison and when prompted to enter an online ID, without hesitation I chose Mirsch.
Some online ID's met are GO_THE_RAT_, bigdik (yeah sure), T_BONE_A1 and lambchop, no kidding I was playing a round on Red Dead and came across both these people and thanks to my head set I kept on making jokes about the BBQ we were having, Fubus-Maximus, MrSmooth2405, B-A-S-T-A-R-D, dUrKa-omaha, John_J_Rambo81, SLAYER_Of_PIGS (should have invited him to the BBQ), FUK_U_PAY_ME09, MICKEY_MOOSE7, I could go on and on. Now all the above names are kinda fun and when playing with the head set on I talk, laugh and moan a lot calling out these names or versions of them and playing on there hidden meaning, my aim is to humiliate, aggravate, congratulate and more than anything else have a laugh. Playing under the influence of fine Irish Whiskey helps alot. Fun, fun and more fun.
10 days into the 26, I'm bound to be back soon. Oh the things I've seen in the Food Zoos, the joy of digital television (joy?), the changes to my regular thursday night outings and much more soon to be mentioned. Stay cool, mmm I guess that is unavoidable winter does cometh.
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