I guess you all might have heard that Robert De Niro is in town (Melbourne) filming his latest Movie, Killer Elite. Yeah, he is a great actor and all, but what a fuss budget. A hire company delivered a bunch of couches to his apartment, the place he is living at whilste he is resideing in Melbourne, and he was not impressed. Take them back I don't like them. So a certain hire companys' showroom had
His people in yesterday picking different couches. Lets hope he is happy with the next selection. Wanker.....I mean....a couch is a couch, you get home after a hard days squawk and all ya wanna do is chill out, relax, watch a bit of telly. Who gives a toss what kind of couch you are going to park ya bum on. And really, how much time is He (De Niro) going to spend in his apartment. I reckon Fuck All. Film shoots are meant to be full on, 12 to 16 hour days. Busy busy busy. Me, all I'd want to do after a long day, is shower, eat then kip. Maybe it's different for Prima Donna Movie Stars....

I am a world class actor and you must abide by
My decissions.
Actually, he's probably a pretty nice guy.
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