Mirsch here, I've said it before and I'll probably say it again, Red Dead Redemption, a Western or Cowboy game for the PS3 console, is the best game ever. Multiplayer is the way to go. I started with nothing, that is no points or XP as the folks at Rockstar call it, and riding a Donkey with only a Cattleman's Revolver and a Knife. I was called a Greenhorn and was obliterated by more experienced players when ever I came across them, shot to shit. Now I've XP'd up to level 37, 50 is as high as you can get, I've now got High Powered and Mauser Pistols, Pump Action and Sawn Off Shotguns, even a Carcano Sniper Rifle as well as Dynamite and Fire Bottles. My horse is an Hungarian Half Breed and I'm killing and helping who ever I choose. I can pick one of about 100 different titles from Greenhorn through to Bandito, Outlaw, Gun Shark Mercenary, Gristle Heel, Mobile Bird Watcher and many more wigged out names. Currently I'm a Golden Herbalist. Having lots of fun linking up with work mates and strangers to form Posses' and complete Co-Op missions. Rockstar are about to launch Add-On packs that can be downloaded and installed into the console, things like Zombie action in the Undead Nightmare Pack, Liars and Cheats Pack. This pack lets you play Texas Hold 'Em, Liars Dice and other competitive games.Heaps of different characters to choose from. Law Officers, Rustlers, Gang members, Miners and Women. I'm currently Jay Sheeyah a cool looking Indian who is part of Dutches Outlaw Gang. Sorta look like Billy Jack from that 1971 movie of the same name.
What the hey????
It's nearly 6.00pm on Thursday night, that can mean only one thing, time to head to Northland for that Prince of Foods Sushi/Sashimi. Catch ya later.