Somthings are Good, Somethings are Bad, and somethings are My Favorites - food, people, places, entertainment, etc etc.

Mark, Australian Resident, at your service.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Bring on the New Year.
All that Christmas malarky is now over, it's time to get back into the regular things, like being silly when the opportunity arises. Prime example, I found a giant tennis raquet while loading in for the Australian Open.
. You'd be mad not to have some fun.

Merry Christmas, a couple of days late, but what the heck!!

Happy Jesus' Birthday, Merry Christmas.
Christmas once again, how fast they swing by. I should back track a little, and fill you all in on a few details of events past. The work lunchtime Christmas party was held on the 21st. The Valiant crew took up most of one entire Tram, three Restaurant Trams ran at the same time. Food was great, expertly cooked on board, alcohol flowed and a damn fine time was had by all, it's just a shame they only had Johnny Walker Whiskey and Slate Bourbon, Alas, Jameson triple distilled Irish Whiskey was not there. Lucky for me there was some at home for later...

The next few days were spent dealing with furniture for Chanel 7 and the worlds media at the Aust Open. The plan was to knock off around mid day on Christmas eve, but alas due to someones bungling, we Valiant workers didn't get to finish until 4.30pm, then I had an after hours job at 6pm, yay, the overtime.
Christmas day, pigged out on smoked salmon, bacon and eggs for breakfast, Chili Prawn Pasta for me and a Super Prawn Cocktail for my Lovely at lunch time, and for dinner, Salmon Steaks, Japanese style vegies with a Soy Ginger reduction that I worked out how to make after having it on the Tram Resturant. During the day I had made a Fruity Cobbler and a good portion of this was devoured with custard as our evening desert. Fat and Full. And to make sure we had plenty of treats, I also made another Lemon and Lime Cheese Cake.
And finally here we are at Monday, today. Nothing happening today, no plans, no commitments. Up at em and starting the day with the Works Omelets. Then I turn our home grown plums into 8 jars of plum jam. This activity takes up most of the morning. For lunch, more prawns are cooked on the BBQ. Garlic, Basil and Cracked Pepper for my Lovely and Japanese Soy, Hot Chili and Sweet Chili Prawns for me. Oh yum, these were divine. Later on after a beer or two and a splash of Jamesons Irish Whiskey. Dinner was Chicken Breast Strips with Mango Salsa on Lettuce and Crutons... Fuck yeah.. And to finish it all off I'm about to have some French Vanila Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce. Food, food and more food, lazy days and getting fat. That's what the Christmas break is all about, and oh yeah... Happy birthday baby Jesus.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Australian Open 2011, has started..

As the title and picture above sorta explains the Australian Open 2011, has started for Me and the rest of the Truck Drivin', Furniture Luggin', Hard Workin' and not to be forgetting the Backpackin' Good Folk who work and toil for Valiant Hire of Melbourne.
Two of Them----------->>>>>>>>
Over the last couple of weeks we have been sneaking stuff in and setting up some of the people who run Tennis Australia, with desks, chairs, etc, etc. Being my third year of doing this, the Open feels like an old friend, yeahh!!
It will actually be not to bad, I know where all the little zones and the factions that will be getting furniture are located and for the next four weeks we'll be bringing in truck after truck of, Office, Media, Player, Corporate, Sponsor, Event and who knows what else kind of whatever. We'll be there, Sunrise to Sunset. I'll see if I can get a snap or two. Stay tuned, you'll get more, after all this Event consumes us Valiant Folk.

I'm not really a tennis fan, and I hardly know who's playing, I just enjoy the being consumed and getting it right, working plenty of overtime hours and then getting paid for them. So Bring it Tennis Australia, hassle me not you dumb Security guys and for Christ sake you paranoid work safe guys ease up a little, no, actually they do a marvelous job. I'm deadly serious. Catch up with yo soon, take care ya all..

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday Dinner with Mark - Chicken with Mango Salsa
Mango Chicken with Croutons and Bacon.
It's Sunday evening and tonight for dinner the Lovely and I are about to eat Mango Chicken.... Yum.
To Start with I turn 2 slices of stale white bread into Croutons. Cubed and sprinkled with dried herbs crisped off in a pan with Olive Oil. Set aside.
Next, I chop 2 Rashes of Middle Bacon into small pieces and fry off without oil in the same pan the croutons were cooked in, cook well and make crunchy, this also works really well if you do the bacon first then the croutons. The result is bacony flavoured croutons, real special. Set aside.

Then I cut into small cubes, Red and Green Capsicum, Shallots, Cucumber, Cherry Tomatoes and Mango. Mix them all together in a bowl, add juice of Lemon and Lime, add a splash of Maple Syrup, a Splash of Balsamic Vinegar and A Splash of Olive Oil. Mix well.
Slice One or Two Chicken Breasts into strips, place in a bowl, scrape whatever Mango is left on the Mango skin and mix with the Chicken, add a splash of Olive Oil, a sprinkle of Sweet Paprika, a sprinkle of Cinnamon, a sprinkle of dried Ginger and a sprinkle of Black Pepper. Mix Well
Fry up the Chicken Strips on a Griddle Pan, when done place on a bed of Lettuce, Croutons and Bacon, if you so desire add slices of Avocado. Add the Mango Salsa by scooping it over the Chicken and Lettuce. Eat and enjoy. We did..

As an extra I blacken some dried Chilli pieces in a small amount of oil to sprinkle over the top of the complete dish. This is just for me as my Lovely is not the Chilli freak that I am.
And for dessert I had previously made an unbaked Lemon and Lime Cheesecake with a two biscuit crust and Passion Fruit splashed on top.
Fuck it all, a fabulous Sunday dinner devoured and desired. It will happen again, and as it's summer, sooner rather than later I'd say....
It's Sunday evening and tonight for dinner the Lovely and I are about to eat Mango Chicken.... Yum.
To Start with I turn 2 slices of stale white bread into Croutons. Cubed and sprinkled with dried herbs crisped off in a pan with Olive Oil. Set aside.
Next, I chop 2 Rashes of Middle Bacon into small pieces and fry off without oil in the same pan the croutons were cooked in, cook well and make crunchy, this also works really well if you do the bacon first then the croutons. The result is bacony flavoured croutons, real special. Set aside.
Then I cut into small cubes, Red and Green Capsicum, Shallots, Cucumber, Cherry Tomatoes and Mango. Mix them all together in a bowl, add juice of Lemon and Lime, add a splash of Maple Syrup, a Splash of Balsamic Vinegar and A Splash of Olive Oil. Mix well.
Slice One or Two Chicken Breasts into strips, place in a bowl, scrape whatever Mango is left on the Mango skin and mix with the Chicken, add a splash of Olive Oil, a sprinkle of Sweet Paprika, a sprinkle of Cinnamon, a sprinkle of dried Ginger and a sprinkle of Black Pepper. Mix Well
Fry up the Chicken Strips on a Griddle Pan, when done place on a bed of Lettuce, Croutons and Bacon, if you so desire add slices of Avocado. Add the Mango Salsa by scooping it over the Chicken and Lettuce. Eat and enjoy. We did..
As an extra I blacken some dried Chilli pieces in a small amount of oil to sprinkle over the top of the complete dish. This is just for me as my Lovely is not the Chilli freak that I am.
And for dessert I had previously made an unbaked Lemon and Lime Cheesecake with a two biscuit crust and Passion Fruit splashed on top.
Fuck it all, a fabulous Sunday dinner devoured and desired. It will happen again, and as it's summer, sooner rather than later I'd say....
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Jack Reacher Stories by Lee Child
Just finished listening to the 15th Jack Reacher story "Worth Dying For" by author Lee Child as read by Dick Hill on Audio book on my much loved iPod. I read the actual novel about a month ago, as I did with the 14 books before this one. Read it then listen to it.
Lee Child has created the best Hero of all time in Jack Reacher. If you like good reading get amongst it. Read "Killing Floor" first then work your way through the next 14 books, or if your lazy get hold of the audio books. I'm assuring you, you will not be disappointed. And visit Lee on his web page.
I had the privilege of meeting Lee Child when he visited Melbourne a few months back and had him sign the 14th book "61 Hours"
I enjoy these stories so much that I have listened to the first 13 books 3 times each. I know, crazy, and in Lee Childs words when I met him, I must be a glutton for punishment. No Lee just love a great story and a great story is worth listening to again and again and again.
Name: Jack Reacher (no middle name)
Born: October 29th
Measurements: 6'5", 220-250 lbs., 50" chest
Hair: Dirty-blond
Eyes: Ice blue
Clothing: 3XLT coat, 95 cm. pants' inseam
Reacher left home at 18, graduated from West Point. Performed 13 years of Army service, demoted from Major to Captain in 1990, mustered out with the rank of Major in 1997.
"I was born in Berlin. Never even saw the States until I was nine years old. Five minutes later we were in the Philippines. Round and round the world we went. Longest I was ever anywhere was four years at West Point. Then I joined up and it started all over again. Round and round the world."
"Where's your family now?" she asked.
"Dead," he said. "The old man died, what? Ten years ago, I guess. My mother died two years later. I buried the Silver Star with her. She won it for me, really. Do what you're supposed to do, she used to tell me. About a million times a day, in a thick French accent."
"Brothers and sisters?" she said.
"I had a brother," he said. "He died last year. I'm the last Reacher on earth, far as I know."
"When did you muster out?" she said.
"April last year," he said. "Fourteen months ago."
"Why?" she asked.
Reacher shrugged.
"Just lost interest, I guess," he said. "The defense cuts were happening. Made the Army seem unnecessary, somehow. Like if they didn't need the biggest and the best, they didn't need me. Didn't want to be part of something small and second-rate. So I left. Arrogant, or what?"
In TRIPWIRE, Jodie (Jodie Garber, see below) noted "His lazy lopsided grin. His tousled hair. His arms, so long they gave him a greyhound's grace even though he was built like the side of a house. His eyes, cold icy blue like the Arctic. His hands, giant battered mitts that bunched into fists the size of footballs." Reacher has a scar on his arm where his brother struck him with a retaliatory chisel (see below, Brother: Joe).
Born on an Army base in Germany. His father chose his name; it read "Jack-none-Reacher" on the birth certificate faxed to the Berlin Embassy. They called his brother Joe, but nobody ever called Jack by his first name. How it came about, no one knows but Jack was always called Reacher.
As kids, Jack and his brother moved so much that spending a full school year in any one place felt weird. "Our friends just kept disappearing. Some unit would be shipped out somewhere and a bunch of kids would be gone. Sometimes we saw them again in a different place. Plenty of them we never saw again. Nobody ever said hello or goodbye. You were just either there or not there."

I had the privilege of meeting Lee Child when he visited Melbourne a few months back and had him sign the 14th book "61 Hours"

Name: Jack Reacher (no middle name)
Born: October 29th
Measurements: 6'5", 220-250 lbs., 50" chest
Hair: Dirty-blond
Eyes: Ice blue
Clothing: 3XLT coat, 95 cm. pants' inseam
Reacher left home at 18, graduated from West Point. Performed 13 years of Army service, demoted from Major to Captain in 1990, mustered out with the rank of Major in 1997.
"I was born in Berlin. Never even saw the States until I was nine years old. Five minutes later we were in the Philippines. Round and round the world we went. Longest I was ever anywhere was four years at West Point. Then I joined up and it started all over again. Round and round the world."
"Where's your family now?" she asked.
"Dead," he said. "The old man died, what? Ten years ago, I guess. My mother died two years later. I buried the Silver Star with her. She won it for me, really. Do what you're supposed to do, she used to tell me. About a million times a day, in a thick French accent."
"Brothers and sisters?" she said.
"I had a brother," he said. "He died last year. I'm the last Reacher on earth, far as I know."
"When did you muster out?" she said.
"April last year," he said. "Fourteen months ago."
"Why?" she asked.
Reacher shrugged.
"Just lost interest, I guess," he said. "The defense cuts were happening. Made the Army seem unnecessary, somehow. Like if they didn't need the biggest and the best, they didn't need me. Didn't want to be part of something small and second-rate. So I left. Arrogant, or what?"
In TRIPWIRE, Jodie (Jodie Garber, see below) noted "His lazy lopsided grin. His tousled hair. His arms, so long they gave him a greyhound's grace even though he was built like the side of a house. His eyes, cold icy blue like the Arctic. His hands, giant battered mitts that bunched into fists the size of footballs." Reacher has a scar on his arm where his brother struck him with a retaliatory chisel (see below, Brother: Joe).
Born on an Army base in Germany. His father chose his name; it read "Jack-none-Reacher" on the birth certificate faxed to the Berlin Embassy. They called his brother Joe, but nobody ever called Jack by his first name. How it came about, no one knows but Jack was always called Reacher.
As kids, Jack and his brother moved so much that spending a full school year in any one place felt weird. "Our friends just kept disappearing. Some unit would be shipped out somewhere and a bunch of kids would be gone. Sometimes we saw them again in a different place. Plenty of them we never saw again. Nobody ever said hello or goodbye. You were just either there or not there."

The Colonial Tramcar Restaurant - Melbourne, Australia
The Colonial Tramcar Restaurant - Melbourne, Australia
Click on the above link to have a peek. Looks pretty sleek, huh.

So this is where the work lunch time Christmas Party is to be held. Some of us had our doubts but after a little Internet scrutiny it may actually be a reasonable outing. There was a rumour that there would only wine on offer, but I spotted the words Beer, Bourbon, Whiskey and Vodka, plus other alcoholic beverages on their web page, yay..
Four courses
- Appetiser, I'll go the Red Capsicum Dip
- Entree, the Tassy Ocean Trout is looking pretty good
- Main, would have to be the Eye Fillet (medium rare)
- Dessert, Chocolate Dome all the way.
Looks like a Fat Time will be had, it's just a shame we (the hard workers) have to mingle with all the office staff. Oh well can't be helped. I'll fill you in on all the goss on the evening of the 21st. I may even have a few snaps to share if I can remember to take the camera.
Click on the above link to have a peek. Looks pretty sleek, huh.

So this is where the work lunch time Christmas Party is to be held. Some of us had our doubts but after a little Internet scrutiny it may actually be a reasonable outing. There was a rumour that there would only wine on offer, but I spotted the words Beer, Bourbon, Whiskey and Vodka, plus other alcoholic beverages on their web page, yay..
Four courses
- Appetiser, I'll go the Red Capsicum Dip
- Entree, the Tassy Ocean Trout is looking pretty good
- Main, would have to be the Eye Fillet (medium rare)
- Dessert, Chocolate Dome all the way.

Looks like a Fat Time will be had, it's just a shame we (the hard workers) have to mingle with all the office staff. Oh well can't be helped. I'll fill you in on all the goss on the evening of the 21st. I may even have a few snaps to share if I can remember to take the camera.
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